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  • What breeds of chickens do you have, and what color eggs do they lay?
    We have a mixed flock of mostly heritage breeds. Normally we try to stick to dual purpose poultry that's good for both eggs and meat, but occasionally we get dazzled by very pretty egg colors, too. Breeds include: Black Copper and French Marans - deep chocolate brown eggs B/B/S Ameraucanas - blue eggs Olive Eggers - green eggs 2nd Generation Olive Eggers - deep army green eggs Cream Legbars - blue eggs Bielefelders - brown eggs Anconas - white eggs Our ducks are mostly Blue Swedish and White Star hybrids, and all of them lay very large whitish eggs.
  • What kind of hay are you growing?
    We have a three-way blend of orchard grass: Benchmark Plus, Pawnee, and Blizzard. We chose each of these varieties based on their maturity age and successful growth rate in our region. We hope for four cuttings a year, and test our hay every time. So far we're 5/5 in low sugar and high quality bales.
  • Is your hay for sale?
    While we primarily grow hay for our own animal's feed, we do occasionally have some available. The hay is generally around 80-85 pounds in two-string bales.
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